We fight (Queer)feminist struggles every day – and especially on March 8.
We want to make plans together against the patriarchy, capitalism and other power relations and have a good time doing so.
We will also paint the facade of the Alhambra and anchor our feminist message in the cityscape for every day. Additionally we will have a bring-along buffet, so bring some snacks if you want to 🙂
All WLINTA+ (Women, Lesbians, Inter, Non-Binary, and Trans people and other people who are experiencing patriarchal violence) are welcome. There is no controlling authority here. We want to create a space where no person is denied their identity.
You can do a Covid-test directly on-site, by either bringing your own test-kit from home or purchasing one through a small donation from us.
By the way, the whole thing is an alcohol-free event :)C
Come by, bring your friends or make new ones here. We look forward to seeing you!